Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Back to Pokey Ladies

Sullly woke up this morning with some pretty irregular breathing-we got concerned and ended up in the ER with him. Turns out his pnemonia has been lingering and he just hasn't been complaining.
And now we are spending the day/night/morning?day?, at the hospital. Sully has borne it with his usual cheerful nature, (with the exception of rampant screaming whenever a nurse touches him). He is very sleepy, very lovey, and shows a deep abiding loyalty to his taggie blanket.

He has also said "momma" so very clearly that Jason admits he is talking.


  1. Yuck, overnight hospital stays suck. Best wishes to you all!

  2. Horrible Evil Pokey Ladies!!

    Sullybear is the sweetest. Hope he's better today!
